Rake suck ship matching Products
 Hanging bracket assembly
 Harrow suction system
 Low straight pipe
 Rotation connect pipe
 Cross-shaped joint
 High straight pipe
 Horizontal joint
 Elbow pulley
 Harrow head
 General type(Gravity type)
 Fixed turbulence model
 Initiative harrow head
 Shore to shore valve(Bow blowing device)
 Bottom door
 Overflow system
 Relevant Product of suction dredge
 Reamer frame system devices
 Variable frequency motordrive reamer gear box
 Trolley positioning move the ship device
 Rotary elbow in stern
 Arm of anchor
 Dredge pump
 Other dredge relevant product and quick-wear fittings
 Spherical joint
 Bucket-wheel assembly
 Cutter tooths
 Dredge pump impeller and other quick-wear part fittings
 Transmission shaft
 Equipped with overload protection couplings installations
Hanging bracket assembly

  1、Design of hanging bracket all through computer stress analysis,ensures rational and strong construction of hanging bracket,and no hidden trouble in use.Specific parameters of hanging bracket is designed according to the specific harrow suction design requirements or owner demands。
  2、Hanging bracket structure all adopt the high strength marine steel plates welded together,machining after deal with stress.Spraying anti-rust paint after shot blasting and polishing processing to cleanliness requirements on surface,ensures long rustproof function。
  3、We use high wear-resisting of copper alloy to make sliding parts in hanging bracket,equipped with lubrication method reasonable structure.To ensure smooth rotation and durable

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